See How We Are Different

older adult and grandchild

A Unique Approach

We Care Senior Living Advisors provides a unique approach to senior placement. Dr. Freitag’s clinical perspective, knowledge of the senior living industry, and highly specialized intake assessment ensure that clients will be provided with the best options to feel confident and excited about their move to a senior community.

Making Tough Decision Easier

The decision to move to a senior community can be difficult and overwhelming. The process can be made even more challenging when a resident is placed in a community that is not the right fit and does not meet their individual needs. Clients and their families can be confident that the placement consultant with whom they are working has the background and expertise to determine the best options for senior living, based on the wellness, psychological, and social needs of the resident.

We Care Is Here To Help

Wherever a senior might be on the journey of choosing a senior living community, We Care Senior Living Advisors offers support and education to demystify the selection process.

Are you simply exploring the possibility of moving to a senior community and need information and education on how the process works? We Care is here to help.

Are you ready to make a move but are overwhelmed by the myriad of senior living options and do not even know where to start? We Care is here to help.

Are you in crisis and need immediate assistance to place a senior in an appropriate community as soon as possible? We Care is here to help.

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation and discussion of how We Care can help you.